At Richmond Road School, we value and respect all children, staff and families
Peer mediatorsOur Year 5 and 6 Peer Mediators are rostered to be out during break times. The are trained to mediate students small issues and to help students on the Friendship seat to find a friend. They where yellow safety vests and a red pack with a note book and plasters for any minor cut. Anything bigger they know to take the student to either the sick bay or to a duty teacher to help.
Lead teacher: Florence: [email protected] Good One TokensPeer mediators also carry Good One tokens. They give these out to any students carrying out our school values. The student will put them into the Good One token box in the office. There is a draw every assembly. Students whose tokens are drawn get a reward from the office
Friendship SeatOn the middle court there is a concrete seat for students to sit on if they do not have a friend to play with or would like the Peer Mediators to help them solve a friendship issue.
Peer Mediators check the seat regularly during break times and help anyone sitting on the seat. |
Green cardsStudents are regularly sent to the Principals office for children making the right choices and for work students have worked hard on.
Principal CertificatesEach whole school assembly the Principal gives out certificates to students who are fulfilling the school values in class or across the school.
Student CelebrationsStudents are regularly recognised in assembly for responsibilities that they have carried out. Any sporting or musical achievements outside of school are also recognised in front of the school at assemblies.
BirthdaysBirthdays are a big deal to children. We think so too. Every assembly anyone who has had a birthday since the last one gets to stand up. We all enjoy singing them Happy Birthday in 4 languages represented in our rōpū: Maori, English, Samoan and French.
Buddy classesClasses have a buddy. The buddy classes visit each other to share with each other, one example is buddy reading.
Card system
Te Kura o Ritimana positive reinforcement (schoolwide)
Cards – blue/green/white
Teachers may send children who are making the right choices with the green card up to the DP’s/Principals when appropriate.
Coloured Cards
Green – making good choices
Blue – thinking time (buddy up classes/rōpū)
White – serious offences (straight to David/Emma/Jacqui)
Before level 1 and using this process use your own class processes for creating a positive classroom environment i.e group points/treasure box/stickers etc
Level 1: Kōrero with teacher (lower level behaviours)
Level 2: Continuing behaviour. Sent to another teacher for ‘thinking time’. This is a reflective time and children need to return to class to have an opportunity to rectify their choice of behaviour
• Use blue card for ‘thinking time’. This a short period of time 10-15 mins (max) for reflection and then back to class.
Level 3: If behaviour continues, warning and second ‘thinking time’ (in one day) send to another class/space. Use blue card. 10-15 mins and let rōpū leader know.
Level 4: If disruptive behaviour continues (same day) send to rōpū leader or David/ Emma/ Jacqui – class teacher to ring parent. May result in ‘no play’ day.
Level 5: Another incident (Level 1-4 is repeated in a week) Rōpū leader or Deputy Principal to contact parents/whānau – could be phone call/letter/make a meeting time or ALL.
Level 6: At any time, Swearing/Physical harm/Verbal harm white card is straight to David/Emma/Jacqui
Note: Serious or ongoing incidents may result in parents coming to the school to meet with teacher/Deputy Principal/Principal. Notebook between student/family and classroom teacher may be an option for a period to settle child back into good routines.
School trips and other school excursions may not be available to students who are not able to take direction from teachers and staff whilst at school. This is a safety issue.
Consequences for serious behaviours – meaningful to the student and will be discussed with Rōpū leaders when required to see what might be deemed appropriate.
*we will review these processes at the end of each term.
Cards – blue/green/white
Teachers may send children who are making the right choices with the green card up to the DP’s/Principals when appropriate.
Coloured Cards
Green – making good choices
Blue – thinking time (buddy up classes/rōpū)
White – serious offences (straight to David/Emma/Jacqui)
Before level 1 and using this process use your own class processes for creating a positive classroom environment i.e group points/treasure box/stickers etc
Level 1: Kōrero with teacher (lower level behaviours)
Level 2: Continuing behaviour. Sent to another teacher for ‘thinking time’. This is a reflective time and children need to return to class to have an opportunity to rectify their choice of behaviour
• Use blue card for ‘thinking time’. This a short period of time 10-15 mins (max) for reflection and then back to class.
Level 3: If behaviour continues, warning and second ‘thinking time’ (in one day) send to another class/space. Use blue card. 10-15 mins and let rōpū leader know.
Level 4: If disruptive behaviour continues (same day) send to rōpū leader or David/ Emma/ Jacqui – class teacher to ring parent. May result in ‘no play’ day.
Level 5: Another incident (Level 1-4 is repeated in a week) Rōpū leader or Deputy Principal to contact parents/whānau – could be phone call/letter/make a meeting time or ALL.
Level 6: At any time, Swearing/Physical harm/Verbal harm white card is straight to David/Emma/Jacqui
Note: Serious or ongoing incidents may result in parents coming to the school to meet with teacher/Deputy Principal/Principal. Notebook between student/family and classroom teacher may be an option for a period to settle child back into good routines.
School trips and other school excursions may not be available to students who are not able to take direction from teachers and staff whilst at school. This is a safety issue.
Consequences for serious behaviours – meaningful to the student and will be discussed with Rōpū leaders when required to see what might be deemed appropriate.
*we will review these processes at the end of each term.