Ka titiro ake au ki ngā maunga rangatira o tēnei rohe, ki a Maungakiekie, ki a Maungawhau, ki a Ōwairaka
Ka aro atu au ki te moana marino o Te Waitematā
Ka mihi atu au ki te waka tūpuna, ki a Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi,
ki ngā tāngata whenua o tēnei takiwā arā ko Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Ka tau ōku waewae ki te whenua nei, te wāhi i tū ai Te Rimu Tahi
Ko te Kura o Ritimana tōku āhuru mōwai
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ka titiro ake au ki ngā maunga rangatira o tēnei rohe, ki a Maungakiekie, ki a Maungawhau, ki a Ōwairaka
Ka aro atu au ki te moana marino o Te Waitematā
Ka mihi atu au ki te waka tūpuna, ki a Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi,
ki ngā tāngata whenua o tēnei takiwā arā ko Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Ka tau ōku waewae ki te whenua nei, te wāhi i tū ai Te Rimu Tahi
Ko te Kura o Ritimana tōku āhuru mōwai
Tēnā koutou katoa
E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi, nei rā a Te Whānau Whāriki e mihi nei.
We welcome visits.
We welcome visits.
Mō Te Whānau Whāriki
About Te Whānau Whāriki
Wai Evans - Akomanga Pōtiki (Years 0 -1)
Rohi Leah - Akomanga Tuākana (Years 2 - 3) Troy Mills Rōpū Leader - Akomanga Mātāmua (Years 4 - 6) Elysia Crossan and Kairirangi Edmonds - Kaiāwhina Te Whānau Whāriki is a full immersion Rumaki Māori unit based at Richmond Road School (Te Kura o Ritimana). It was developed in response to a strong desire in the community for education in Te Reo Māori and has been going strong for over 33 years. |
Mātārere Whakatairanga
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Tō Mātou Whāinga
Our Goal Kia tū motuhake, tū pakari te tamaiti i tōna ake tuakiritanga, i tōna Māoritanga anō hoki. The goal of Te Whānau Whāriki is to support tamariki so that when they leave Ritimana they have an appreciation and understanding of tikanga Māori and te reo Māori and they can comfortably express themselves in te reo and when practising tikanga. Our kura and kaiako believe in child-centred learning, where the tamaiti can grow in a nurturing environment that affirms their Māoritanga. Kei Hea Mātou? Our Location Richmond Road School is in a central location, just off Ponsonby Road in Auckland City. We also have the Ritimana Kōhanga Reo onsite. Ngā Kaupapa Kei Waho i Te Akomanga
Ngā Mātāpono
Principles Te Wheke - Nā Rose Pere
Whānau Waiora Wairuatanga Hinengaro Whanaungatanga Mauri Mana ake Hā a kui mā, a koro mā Whatumanawa Taha Tinana Te Marautanga
Our kaiako educate our tamariki in te reo Māori with a kaupapa Māori focus through Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. This ensures that tamariki can competently navigate their own culture and language. It is also important to note that we only teach in te reo Māori. There is no english taught at any time from year 0 through to year 6. A typical day in Te Whānau Whāriki goes something like this: 08.30 Tamariki start arriving 09.00 Opening karakia 09.15 Te Reo Matatini – Literacy 11.00 Kai iti 11.30 Pāngarau 12.30 Extra curricular 13.00 Kai nui 13.50 Kaupapa 14.55 Closing karakia 15.00 School day ends Communication Between Kura and WhānauOur regular hui ā whānau are the best way to catch up on Te Whānau Whāriki news from the kaiako and Board of Trustee representatives. These hui also offer an opportunity to meet other whānau, discuss kaupapa and understand curriculum initiatives that the kaiako are undertaking.
There are regular Richmond Road School newsletters which have important dates and interesting stories about what our tamariki have been doing. Te Rā Whakanui i Ngā Ākonga Tau Ono
Before your child starts school, or once your child’s place in one of our special programmes has been confirmed, please bring the following completed documents to the office:
At our school office:
- Birth Certificate or Passport
- Immunisation history card (from Plunket book)
- Proof of address (recent power or phone bill)
- Complete our ICT Agreement (link to document here). Click ‘open’ to create your own copy.
- Hearing and Vision Consent form (link to document here) Click 'open' to create your own copy.
- Caregiver Consent form for school trips (link to document here).
At our school office:
- Pick up a stationery list
- Confirm the date that your child will start
- Organise dates for your child’s pre-school visits (usually two during the month before starting school for the first time)